Steps towards verified implementations of HOL Light

Una de la líneas de trabajo dentro de la automatización del razonamiento es la verificación de sistemas de razonamiento. En dicha línea se ha publicado un trabajo titulado Steps towards verified implementations of HOL Light.

Sus autores son

Su resumen es

This short paper describes our plans and progress towards construction of verified ML implementations of HOL Light: the first formally proved soundness result for an LCF-style prover. Building on Harrison’s formalisation of the HOL Light logic and our previous work on proof-producing synthesis of ML, we have produced verified implementations of each of HOL Light’s kernel functions. What remains is extending Harrison’s soundness proof and proving that ML’s module system provides the required abstraction for soundness of the kernel to relate to the entire theorem prover. The proofs described in this paper involve the HOL Light and HOL4 theorem provers and the OpenTheory toolchain.

El trabajo se presentó en el ITP 2013 (4th Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving).