Reseña: Improving real analysis in Coq: a user-friendly approach to integrals and derivatives

En la CPP 2012 (The Second International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs), que comenzará el 13 de diciembre, se presentará un trabajo de verificación formal en Coq titulado Improving real analysis in Coq: a user-friendly approach to integrals and derivatives.

Sus autores son Sylvie Boldo, Catherine Lelay y Guillaume Melquiond (del grupo ProVal (Proof of Programs) en el INRIA Saclay – Île-de-France).

Su resumen es

Verification of numerical analysis programs requires dealing with derivatives and integrals. High confidence in this process can be achieved using a formal proof checker, such as Coq. Its standard library provides an axiomatization of real numbers and various lemmas about real analysis, which may be used for this purpose. Unfortunately, its definitions of derivative and integral are unpractical as they are partial functions that demand a proof term. This proof term makes the handling of mathematical formulas cumbersome and does not conform to traditional analysis. Other proof assistants usually do not suffer from this issue; for instance, they may rely on Hilbert’s epsilon to get total operators. In this paper, we propose a way to define total operators for derivative and integral without having to extend Coq’s standard axiomatization of real numbers. We proved the compatibility of our definitions with the standard library’s in order to leverage existing results. We also greatly improved automation for real analysis proofs that use Coq standard definitions. We exercised our approach on lemmas involving iterated partial derivatives and differentiation under the integral sign, that were missing from the formal proof of a numerical program solving the wave equation.

Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto Coquelicot.

El código con las teorías correspondiente se encuentra aquí.