Formalization in PVS of balancing properties necessary for the security of the Dolev-Yao cascade protocol model

Se ha publicado en el JFR un artículo de razonamiento formalizado en PVS titulado Formalization in PVS of balancing properties necessary for the security of the Dolev-Yao cascade protocol model.

Sus autores son Mauricio Ayala Rincón y Yuri Santos Rêgo (de la Univ. de Brasilia).

Su resumen es

In this work, we present an algebraic approach for modeling the two-party cascade protocol of Dolev-Yao and for fully formalizing its security in the specification language of the Prototype Verification System PVS. Although cascade protocols could be argued to be a very limited model, it should be stressed here that they are the basis of more sophisticated protocols of great applicability, such as those which allow treatment of multiparty, tuples, nonces, name-stamps, signatures, etc. In the current algebraic approach, steps of the protocol are modeled in a monoid freely generated by the cryptographic operators. Words in this monoid are specified as finite sequences and the whole protocol as a finite sequence of protocol steps, that are functions from pairs of users to sequences of cryptographic operators. In a previous work, assuming that for balanced protocols admissible words produced by a potential intruder should be balanced, a formalization of the characterization of security of this kind of protocols was given in PVS. In this work, the previously assumed property is also formalized, obtaining in this way a complete formalization which mathematically guarantees the security of these protocols. Despite such property being relatively easy to specify, obtaining a complete formalization requires a great amount of effort, because several algebraic properties, that are related to the preservation of the balancing property of the admissible language of the intruder, should be formalized in the granularity of the underlying data structure (of finite sequences used in the specification). Among these properties, the most complex are related to the notion of linkage property, which allows for a systematic analysis of words of the admissible language of a potential saboteur, showing how he/she is unable to isolate private keys of other users under the assumption of balanced protocols. The difficulties that can arise in conducting this formalization are also presented in this work.

La teorías PVS correspondientes se encuentran en aquí.

A Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System(TCAS-II) Resolution Advisory Algorithm

Se ha publicado un artículo de verificación formal con PVS titulado A TCAS-II resolution advisory algorithm.

Sus autores son César Muñoz, Anthony Narkawicz y James Chamberlain (del
Langley Research Center de la NASA en Hampton, EE.UU.).

Su resumen es

The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is a family of airborne systems designed to reduce the risk of mid-air collisions between aircraft. TCAS II, the current generation of TCAS devices, provides resolution advisories that direct pilots to maintain or increase vertical separation when aircraft distance and time parameters are beyond designed system thresholds. This paper presents a mathematical model of the TCAS II Resolution Advisory (RA) logic that assumes accurate aircraft state information. Based on this model, an algorithm for RA detection is also presented. This algorithm is analogous to a conflict detection algorithm, but instead of predicting loss of separation, it predicts resolution advisories. It has been formally verified that for a kinematic model of aircraft trajectories, this algorithm completely and correctly characterizes all encounter geometries between two aircraft that lead to a resolution advisory within a given lookahead time interval. The RA detection algorithm proposed in this paper is a fundamental component of a NASA sense and avoid concept for the integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in civil airspace.

Este trabajo es parte del proyecto de la NASA Airborne Coordinated Resolution and Detection (ACCoRD) que está integrado en el proyecto Formal Analysis of Conflict Detection and Resolution Algorithms.

El trabajo se presentó el 19 de agosto en la AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.

Reseña: Square root and division elimination in PVS

Se ha publicado un artículo de automatización del razonamiento en PVS titulado Square root and division elimination in PVS.

Su autor es Pierre Neron (del INRIA en Paris – Rocquencourt).

El trabajo se presentará en julio en el ITP 2013 (4th Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving).

Su resumen es

In this paper we present a new strategy for PVS that implements a square root and division elimination in order to use automatic arithmetic strategies that were not able to deal with these operations in a first place. This strategy relies on a PVS formalization of the square root and division elimination and deep embedding of PVS expressions inside PVS. Therefore using computational reflection and symbolic computation we are able to automatically transform expressions into division and square root free ones before using these decisions procedures.

El código de las correspondientes teorías PVS se encuentra aquí.

Reseña: Formalization of real analysis: A survey of proof assistants and libraries

Se ha publicado un artículo sobre razonamiento formalizado titudado Formalization of real analysis: A survey of proof assistants and libraries.

Sus autores son Sylvie Boldo, Catherine Lelay y Guillaume Melquiond.

Su resumen es

In the recent years, numerous proof systems have improved enough to be used for formally verifying non-trivial mathematical results. They, however, have different purposes and it is not always easy to choose which one is adapted to undertake a formalization effort. In this survey, we focus on properties related to real analysis: real numbers, arithmetic operators, limits, differentiability, integrability, and so on. We have chosen to look into the formalizations provided in standard by the following systems: Coq, HOL4, HOL Light, Isabelle/HOL, Mizar, ProofPower-HOL, and PVS. We have also accounted for large developments that play a similar role or extend standard libraries: ACL2(r) for ACL2, C-CoRN/MathClasses for Coq, and the NASA PVS library. This survey presents how real numbers have been defined in these various provers and how the notions of real analysis described above have been formalized. We also look at the proof automations these systems provide for real analysis.

Reseña: Formalizing the confluence of orthogonal rewriting systems

Se ha publicado un artículo de razonamiento formalizado en PVS sobre reescritura titulado Formalizing the confluence of orthogonal rewriting systems.

Sus autores son Ana Cristina Rocha Oliveira y Mauricio Ayala-Rincón (de la Universidad de Brasilia)

Su resumen es

Orthogonality is a discipline of programming that in a syntactic manner guarantees determinism of functional specifications. Essentially, orthogonality avoids, on the one side, the inherent ambiguity of non determinism, prohibiting the existence of different rules that specify the same function and that may apply simultaneously (non-ambiguity), and, on the other side, it eliminates the possibility of occurrence of repetitions of variables in the left-hand side of these rules (left linearity). In the theory of term rewriting systems (TRSs) determinism is captured by the well-known property of confluence, that basically states that whenever different computations or simplifications from a term are possible, the computed answers should coincide. Although the proofs are technically elaborated, confluence is well-known to be a consequence of orthogonality. Thus, orthogonality is an important mathematical discipline intrinsic to the specification of recursive functions that is naturally applied in functional programming and specification. Starting from a formalization of the theory of TRSs in the proof assistant PVS, this work describes how confluence of orthogonal TRSs has been formalized, based on axiomatizations of properties of rules, positions and substitutions involved in parallel steps of reduction, in this proof assistant. Proofs for some similar but restricted properties such as the property of confluence of non-ambiguous and (left and right) linear TRSs have been fully formalized.