Reseña: “A Web interface for Isabelle: The next generation”

Se ha publicado un trabajo de automatización del razonamiento en Isabelle titulado A Web interface for Isabelle: The next generation.

Sus autores son Christoph Lüth y Martin Ring (de la Universidad de Bremen, Alemania).

El trabajo se presentará en julio en el CICM 2013 (Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics).

Su resumen es

We present Clide, a web interface for the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. Clide uses latest web technology and the Isabelle/PIDE framework to implement a web-based interface for asynchronous proof document management that competes with, and in some aspects even surpasses, conventional user interfaces for Isabelle such as Proof General or Isabelle/jEdit.

El código de Clide se encuentra aquí.

Reseña: Abstract interpretation of annotated commands

El lunes (13 de agosto de 2012) se presentó en el ITP 2012 (Interactive Theorem Proving) un trabajo de razonamiento formalizado en Isabelle titulado Abstract interpretation of annotated commands.

Su autor es Tobias Nipkow (del Theorem Proving Group de la Technische Universität München).

El resumen del trabajo es

This paper formalises a generic abstract interpreter for a while-language, including widening and narrowing. The collecting semantics and the abstract interpreter operate on annotated commands: the program is represented as a syntax tree with the semantic information directly embedded, without auxiliary labels. The aim of the paper is simplicity of the formalisation, not efficiency or precision. This is motivated by the inclusion of the material in a theorem prover based course on semantics.

Las correspondientes teorías de Isabelle se encuentran aquí.

Reseña: Formalizing adequacy: A case study for higher-order abstract syntax

Se ha publicado un nuevo trabajo de razonamiento formalizado en Isabelle: Formalizing adequacy: A case study for higher-order abstract syntax.

Sus autores son James Cheney, Michael Norrish y René Vestergaard.

Su resumen es

Adequacy is an important criterion for judging whether a formalization is suitable for reasoning about the actual object of study. The issue is particularly subtle in the expansive case of approaches to languages with name-binding. In prior work, adequacy has been formalized only with respect to specific representation techniques. In this article, we give a general formal definition based on model-theoretic isomorphisms or interpretations. We investigate and formalize an adequate interpretation of untyped lambda-calculus within a higher-order metalanguage in Isabelle/HOL using the Nominal Datatype Package. Formalization elucidates some subtle issues that have been neglected in informal arguments concerning adequacy.

La formalización en Isabelle se encuentra aquí.

Reseña: Proving the impossibility of trisecting an angle and doubling the cube

Se ha publicado en The Archive of Formal Proofs un nuevo trabajo de razonamiento formalizado en Isabelle sobre geometría: Proving the impossibility of trisecting an angle and doubling the cube.

Sus autors son Ralph Romanos y Lawrence Paulson (de la Universidad de Cambridge).

Su resumen es

Squaring the circle, doubling the cube and trisecting an angle, using a compass and straightedge alone, are classic unsolved problems first posed by the ancient Greeks. All three problems were proved to be impossible in the 19th century. The following document presents the proof of the impossibility of solving the latter two problems using Isabelle/HOL, following a proof by Carrega. The proof uses elementary methods: no Galois theory or field extensions. The set of points constructible using a compass and straightedge is defined inductively. Radical expressions, which involve only square roots and arithmetic of rational numbers, are defined, and we find that all constructive points have radical coordinates. Finally, doubling the cube and trisecting certain angles requires solving certain cubic equations that can be proved to have no rational roots. The Isabelle proofs require a great many detailed calculations.

Deducción natural en lógica de primer orden con Isabelle/Isar

En esta teoría se presenta la formalización en Isabelle/Isar de los ejemplos del tema de deducción natural en la lógica de primer orde siguiendo la presentación de Huth y Ryan en su libro Logic in Computer Science y, más concretamente, a la forma como se explica en la asignatura de Lógica informática y que puede verse en las transparencias del tema 7.

La páginas en los teorema indican la página de las anteriores transparencias donde se encuentra la demostración.
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