Reseña: Completeness theorems for first-order logic analysed in constructive type theory

Se ha publicado un artículo de razonamiento formalizado en Coq sobre lógica titulado Completeness theorems for first-order logic analysed in constructive type theory.

Sus autores son

Su resumen es

We study various formulations of the completeness of first-order logic phrased in constructive type theory and mechanised in the Coq proof assistant. Specifically, we examine the completeness of variants of classical and intuitionistic natural deduction and sequent calculi with respect to model-theoretic, algebraic, and game-theoretic semantics. As completeness with respect to the standard model-theoretic semantics à la Tarski and Kripke is not readily constructive, we analyse connections of completeness theorems to Markov’s Principle and Weak König’s Lemma and discuss non-standard semantics admitting assumption-free completeness. We contribute a reusable Coq library for first-order logic containing all results covered in this paper.

El trabajo se ha presentado en el Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS 2020) y publicado en el Journal of Logic and Computation.

El código de las correspondientes teorías se encuentra aquí.

RA2018: Razonamiento automático con Coq

En la clase de hoy del curso de Razonamiento automático se ha explicado cómo se puede usar Coq como alternativa a Isabelle/HOL que hemos utilizado anteriormente en el curso.

Los temas, con las correspondientes teorías de Coq, que se han explicado

Reseña: Proving tree algorithms for succinct data structures

Se ha publicado un artículo de razonamiento formalizado en Coq sobre algorítmica titulado Proving tree algorithms for succinct data structures.

Sus autores son

Su resumen es

Succinct data structures give space efficient representations of large amounts of data without sacrificing performance. In order to do that they rely on cleverly designed data representations and algorithms. We present here the formalization in Coq/SSReflect of two different succinct tree algorithms. One is the Level-Order Unary Degree Sequence (aka LOUDS), which encodes the structure of a tree in breadth first order as a sequence of bits, where access operations can be defined in terms of Rank and Select, which work in constant time for static bit sequences. The other represents dynamic bit sequences as binary red-black trees, where Rank and Select present a low logarithmic overhead compared to their static versions, and with efficient Insert and Delete. The two can be stacked to provide a dynamic representation of dictionaries for instance. While both representations are well-known, we believe this to be their first formalization and a needed step towards provably-safe implementations of big data.

El trabajo se ha presentado el 30 de agosto en el JSSST 2018 (The 35th Meeting of the Japan Society for Software Science and Technology).

El código de las correspondientes teorías se encuentra GitHub.

Reseña: Formal verification of a geometry algorithm (A quest for abstract views and symmetry in Coq proofs)

Se ha publicado un artículo de razonamiento formalizado en Coq sobre geometría titulado Formal verification of a geometry algorithm: A quest for abstract views and symmetry in Coq proofs.

Su autor es Yves Bertot (del grupo MARELLE del INRIA, Sophia Antipolis).

Su resumen es

This extended abstract is about an effort to build a formal description of a triangulation algorithm starting with a naive description of the algorithm where triangles, edges, and triangulations are simply given as sets and the most complex notions are those of boundary and separating edges. When performing proofs about this algorithm, questions of symmetry appear and this exposition attempts to give an account of how these symmetries can be handled. All this work relies on formal developments made with Coq and the mathematical components library.

El trabajo se presentará el 16 de octubre en el ICTAC 2018 (15th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing).

El código de las correspondientes teorías se encuentra en GitLab.

Reseña: “Concrete semantics” with Coq and CoqHammer

Se ha publicado un artículo de razonamiento formalizado en Coq titulado “Concrete semantics” with Coq and CoqHammer.

Sus autores son

Su resumen es

The “Concrete Semantics” book gives an introduction to imperative programming languages accompanied by an Isabelle/HOL formalization. In this paper we discuss a re-formalization of the book using the Coq proof assistant. In order to achieve a similar brevity of the formal text we extensively use CoqHammer, as well as Coq Ltac-level automation. We compare the formalization efficiency, compactness, and the readability of the proof scripts originating from a Coq re-formalization of two chapters from the book.

El trabajo se ha presentado el 15 de agosto en el CICM 2018 (11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics).

El código de las correspondientes teorías se encuentra en GitHub.