Pruebas de length (repeat x n) = n
En Lean están definidas las funciones length y repeat tales que
- (length xs) es la longitud de la lista xs. Por ejemplo,
1 |
length [1,2,5,2] = 4 |
- (repeat x n) es la lista que tiene el elemento x n veces. Por ejemplo,
1 |
repeat 7 3 = [7, 7, 7] |
Demostrar que
1 |
length (repeat x n) = n |
Para ello, completar la siguiente teoría de Lean:
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import data.list.basic open nat open list variable {α : Type} variable (x : α) variable (n : ℕ) example : length (repeat x n) = n := sorry |
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import data.list.basic open nat open list set_option pp.structure_projections false variable {α : Type} variable (x : α) variable (n : ℕ) -- 1ª demostración example : length (repeat x n) = n := begin induction n with n HI, { calc length (repeat x 0) = length [] : congr_arg length (repeat.equations._eqn_1 x) ... = 0 : length.equations._eqn_1 }, { calc length (repeat x (succ n)) = length (x :: repeat x n) : congr_arg length (repeat.equations._eqn_2 x n) ... = length (repeat x n) + 1 : length.equations._eqn_2 x (repeat x n) ... = n + 1 : congr_arg2 (+) HI rfl ... = succ n : rfl, }, end -- 2ª demostración example : length (repeat x n) = n := begin induction n with n HI, { calc length (repeat x 0) = length [] : rfl ... = 0 : rfl }, { calc length (repeat x (succ n)) = length (x :: repeat x n) : rfl ... = length (repeat x n) + 1 : rfl ... = n + 1 : by rw HI ... = succ n : rfl, }, end -- 3ª demostración example : length (repeat x n) = n := begin induction n with n HI, { refl, }, { dsimp, rw HI, }, end -- 4ª demostración example : length (repeat x n) = n := begin induction n with n HI, { simp, }, { simp [HI], }, end -- 5ª demostración example : length (repeat x n) = n := by induction n ; simp [*] -- 6ª demostración example : length (repeat x n) = n := nat.rec_on n ( show length (repeat x 0) = 0, from calc length (repeat x 0) = length [] : rfl ... = 0 : rfl ) ( assume n, assume HI : length (repeat x n) = n, show length (repeat x (succ n)) = succ n, from calc length (repeat x (succ n)) = length (x :: repeat x n) : rfl ... = length (repeat x n) + 1 : rfl ... = n + 1 : by rw HI ... = succ n : rfl ) -- 7ª demostración example : length (repeat x n) = n := nat.rec_on n ( by simp ) ( λ n HI, by simp [HI]) -- 8ª demostración example : length (repeat x n) = n := length_repeat x n -- 9ª demostración example : length (repeat x n) = n := by simp -- 10ª demostración lemma length_repeat_1 : ∀ n, length (repeat x n) = n | 0 := by calc length (repeat x 0) = length ([] : list α) : rfl ... = 0 : rfl | (n+1) := by calc length (repeat x (n + 1)) = length (x :: repeat x n) : rfl ... = length (repeat x n) + 1 : rfl ... = n + 1 : by rw length_repeat_1 -- 11ª demostración lemma length_repeat_2 : ∀ n, length (repeat x n) = n | 0 := by simp | (n+1) := by simp [*] |
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theory "Pruebas_de_length_(repeat_x_n)_Ig_n" imports Main begin (* 1ª demostración⁾*) lemma "length (replicate n x) = n" proof (induct n) have "length (replicate 0 x) = length ([] :: 'a list)" by (simp only: replicate.simps(1)) also have "… = 0" by (rule list.size(3)) finally show "length (replicate 0 x) = 0" by this next fix n assume HI : "length (replicate n x) = n" have "length (replicate (Suc n) x) = length (x # replicate n x)" by (simp only: replicate.simps(2)) also have "… = length (replicate n x) + 1" by (simp only: list.size(4)) also have "… = Suc n" by (simp only: HI) finally show "length (replicate (Suc n) x) = Suc n" by this qed (* 2ª demostración⁾*) lemma "length (replicate n x) = n" proof (induct n) show "length (replicate 0 x) = 0" by simp next fix n assume "length (replicate n x) = n" then show "length (replicate (Suc n) x) = Suc n" by simp qed (* 3ª demostración⁾*) lemma "length (replicate n x) = n" proof (induct n) case 0 then show ?case by simp next case (Suc n) then show ?case by simp qed (* 4ª demostración⁾*) lemma "length (replicate n x) = n" by (rule length_replicate) end |
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