Las funciones de extracción no están acotadas
Para extraer una subsucesión se aplica una función de extracción que conserva el orden; por ejemplo, la subsucesión
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uₒ, u₂, u₄, u₆, ... |
se ha obtenido con la función de extracción φ tal que φ(n) = 2*n.
En Lean, se puede definir que φ es una función de extracción por
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def extraccion (φ : ℕ → ℕ) := ∀ n m, n < m → φ n < φ m |
Demostrar que las funciones de extracción no está acotadas; es decir, que si φ es una función de extracción, entonces
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∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N |
Para ello, completar la siguiente teoría de Lean:
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import tactic open nat variable {φ : ℕ → ℕ} def extraccion (φ : ℕ → ℕ) := ∀ n m, n < m → φ n < φ m example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := sorry |
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import tactic open nat variable {φ : ℕ → ℕ} def extraccion (φ : ℕ → ℕ) := ∀ n m, n < m → φ n < φ m lemma aux (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ n, n ≤ φ n := begin intro n, induction n with m HI, { exact nat.zero_le (φ 0), }, { apply nat.succ_le_of_lt, calc m ≤ φ m : HI ... < φ (succ m) : h m (m+1) (lt_add_one m), }, end -- 1ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := begin intros N N', let n := max N N', use n, split, { exact le_max_right N N', }, { calc N ≤ n : le_max_left N N' ... ≤ φ n : aux h n, }, end -- 2ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := begin intros N N', let n := max N N', use n, split, { exact le_max_right N N', }, { exact le_trans (le_max_left N N') (aux h n), }, end -- 3ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := begin intros N N', use max N N', split, { exact le_max_right N N', }, { exact le_trans (le_max_left N N') (aux h (max N N')), }, end -- 4ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := begin intros N N', use max N N', exact ⟨le_max_right N N', le_trans (le_max_left N N') (aux h (max N N'))⟩, end -- 5ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := λ N N', ⟨max N N', ⟨le_max_right N N', le_trans (le_max_left N N') (aux h (max N N'))⟩⟩ -- 6ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := assume N N', let n := max N N' in have h1 : n ≥ N', from le_max_right N N', show ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N, from exists.intro n (exists.intro h1 (show φ n ≥ N, from calc N ≤ n : le_max_left N N' ... ≤ φ n : aux h n)) -- 7ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := assume N N', let n := max N N' in have h1 : n ≥ N', from le_max_right N N', show ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N, from ⟨n, h1, calc N ≤ n : le_max_left N N' ... ≤ φ n : aux h n⟩ -- 8ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := assume N N', let n := max N N' in have h1 : n ≥ N', from le_max_right N N', show ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N, from ⟨n, h1, le_trans (le_max_left N N') (aux h (max N N'))⟩ -- 9ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := assume N N', let n := max N N' in have h1 : n ≥ N', from le_max_right N N', ⟨n, h1, le_trans (le_max_left N N') (aux h n)⟩ -- 10ª demostración example (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := assume N N', ⟨max N N', le_max_right N N', le_trans (le_max_left N N') (aux h (max N N'))⟩ -- 11ª demostración lemma extraccion_mye (h : extraccion φ) : ∀ N N', ∃ n ≥ N', φ n ≥ N := λ N N', ⟨max N N', le_max_right N N', le_trans (le_max_left N N') (aux h (max N N'))⟩ |
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theory Las_funciones_de_extraccion_no_estan_acotadas imports Main begin definition extraccion :: "(nat ⇒ nat) ⇒ bool" where "extraccion φ ⟷ (∀ n m. n < m ⟶ φ n < φ m)" (* En la demostración se usará el siguiente lema *) lemma aux : assumes "extraccion φ" shows "n ≤ φ n" proof (induct n) show "0 ≤ φ 0" by simp next fix n assume HI : "n ≤ φ n" also have "φ n < φ (Suc n)" using assms extraccion_def by blast finally show "Suc n ≤ φ (Suc n)" by simp qed (* 1ª demostración *) lemma assumes "extraccion φ" shows "∀ N N'. ∃ k ≥ N'. φ k ≥ N" proof (intro allI) fix N N' :: nat let ?k = "max N N'" have "max N N' ≤ ?k" by (rule le_refl) then have hk : "N ≤ ?k ∧ N' ≤ ?k" by (simp only: max.bounded_iff) then have "?k ≥ N'" by (rule conjunct2) moreover have "N ≤ φ ?k" proof - have "N ≤ ?k" using hk by (rule conjunct1) also have "… ≤ φ ?k" using assms by (rule aux) finally show "N ≤ φ ?k" by this qed ultimately have "?k ≥ N' ∧ φ ?k ≥ N" by (rule conjI) then show "∃k ≥ N'. φ k ≥ N" by (rule exI) qed (* 2ª demostración *) lemma assumes "extraccion φ" shows "∀ N N'. ∃ k ≥ N'. φ k ≥ N" proof (intro allI) fix N N' :: nat let ?k = "max N N'" have "?k ≥ N'" by simp moreover have "N ≤ φ ?k" proof - have "N ≤ ?k" by simp also have "… ≤ φ ?k" using assms by (rule aux) finally show "N ≤ φ ?k" by this qed ultimately show "∃k ≥ N'. φ k ≥ N" by blast qed end |
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