
Examen 1C sol

De Lógica matemática y fundamentos [Curso 2019-20]

theory examen_2_jul_sol
imports Main 

lemma notnotI: "P ⟹ ¬¬ P"
  by auto

lemma mt: "⟦F ⟶ G; ¬G⟧ ⟹ ¬F"
by auto

text ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Ejercicio 1. Demostrar detalladamente con Isabelle, sin usar métodos
  automáticos (como simp, auto, ...) sino sólo las reglas básicas, 
  que el siguiente argumento es correcto 
     Si todas las medicinas están contaminadas, entonces todos los
     técnicos negligentes son unos bribones. Si hay medicinas
     contaminadas, entonces todas las medicinas están contaminadas y son
     peligrosas. Todos los germicidas son medicinas. Sólo los
     negligentes son distraídos. Por tanto, si cualquier técnico es
     distraído y si algunos germicidas están contaminados, los técnicos
     son bribones. 
  Usar la siguiente simbología: 
     M(x): x es medicina,  C(x): x está contaminada, 
     T(x): x es técnico,   N(x): x es un negligente, 
     B(x): x es un bribón, G(x): x es germicida, 
     D(x): x es distraído, P(x): x es peligrosa.

 Formalización y demostración

  assumes "(∀x. M(x) ⟶ C(x)) ⟶ (∀y. (T(y) ∧ N(y)) ⟶ B(y))"
          "(∃x. M(x) ∧ C(x)) ⟶ (∀x. M(x) ⟶ C(x) ∧ P(x))"
          "∀x. G(x) ⟶ M(x)"
          "∀y. ¬N(y) ⟶ ¬D(y)"
  shows   "(∀y. T y ⟶ D y) ∧ (∃x. G x ∧ C x) ⟶ (∀z. T z ⟶ B z)"

lemma previo:
  assumes "∀x. M(x) ⟶ C(x) ∧ P(x)"
  shows   "∀x. M(x) ⟶ C(x)"
proof (rule allI)
  fix a
  show "M(a) ⟶ C(a)"
  proof (rule impI)
    assume "M(a)"
      have "M(a) ⟶ C(a) ∧ P(a)" using assms by (rule allE)
      then have "C(a) ∧ P(a)" using M(a) by (rule mp)
      then show "C(a)" by (rule conjunct1)

 Demostración declarativa detallada:
  assumes "(∀x. M(x) ⟶ C(x)) ⟶ (∀y. (T(y) ∧ N(y)) ⟶ B(y))"
          "(∃x. M(x) ∧ C(x)) ⟶ (∀x. M(x) ⟶ C(x) ∧ P(x))"
          "∀x. G(x) ⟶ M(x)"
          "∀y. ¬N(y) ⟶ ¬D(y)"
  shows   "(∀y. T y ⟶ D y) ∧ (∃x. G x ∧ C x) ⟶ (∀z. T z ⟶ B z)" 
proof (rule impI)
  assume 1: "(∀y. T(y) ⟶ D(y)) ∧ (∃x. G(x) ∧ C(x))"
  show "∀z. T(z) ⟶ B(z)"
  proof (rule allI)
    fix a
    show "T(a) ⟶ B(a)"
    proof (rule impI)
      assume "T(a)"
      show   "B(a)"
      proof -
        have "∀y. T(y) ⟶ D(y)" using 1 by (rule conjunct1)
        then have "T(a) ⟶ D(a)" by (rule allE)
        then have "D(a)" using  `T(a)` by (rule mp)
        then have "¬¬D(a)" by (rule notnotI) 
        have "¬N(a)⟶¬D(a)"  using assms(4) by (rule allE)
        then have "¬¬N(a)" using `¬¬D(a)` by (rule mt)
        then have "N(a)"  by (rule notnotD)
        have "∃x. G(x) ∧ C(x)"  using 1 by (rule conjunct2)
        then obtain b where "G(b) ∧ C(b)" by (rule exE)
        then have "G(b)" by (rule conjunct1)
        have "C(b)" using `G(b) ∧ C(b)` by (rule conjunct2)
        have "G(b) ⟶ M(b)" using assms(3) by (rule allE)
        then have "M(b)" using  `G(b)` by (rule mp)
        then have "M(b) ∧ C(b)" using `C(b)` by (rule conjI)
        then have "∃x. M(x) ∧ C(x)"  by (rule exI)
        with assms(2) have "∀x. M(x) ⟶ C(x) ∧ P(x)" by (rule mp)
        then have "∀x. M(x) ⟶ C(x)" by (rule previo)
        with assms(1) have "∀y. (T(y) ∧ N(y)) ⟶ B(y)" by (rule mp)
        then have "(T(a) ∧ N(a))⟶B(a)" by (rule allE)
        have "T(a) ∧ N(a)" using `T(a)` `N(a)` by (rule conjI)
        with `(T(a) ∧ N(a)) ⟶ B(a)` show "B(a)"  by (rule mp)

text ------------------------------------------------------------------
  Ejercicio 2. Se consideran las definiciones de las siguientes
  funciones (que se dan a continuación)
     estaEn   :: 'a  'a list  bool
     sublista :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool
     elimina  :: nat ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list
  tales que 
  + (estaEn x xs) se verifica si el elemento x está en la lista xs. Por
       estaEn (2::nat) [3,2,4] = True
       estaEn (1::nat) [3,2,4] = False
  + (sublista xs ys) se verifica si todos los elementos de la lista xs
    están en la lista ys. Por ejemplo, 
       sublista [(1::nat),2,3] [3,2,1,2] = True
       sublista [(1::nat),2,3] [2,1,2]   = False
  + (elimina n xs) es la lista obtenida eliminando los n primeros
    elementos de xs. Por ejemplo, 
       elimina 2 [a,c,d,b,e] = [d,b,e]

  Demostrar detalladamente que
     sublista (elimina n xs) xs

fun estaEn :: "'a  'a list  bool" where
  "estaEn x []     = False"
| "estaEn x (a#xs) = (a=x  estaEn x xs)"

fun sublista :: "'a list  'a list  bool" where
  "sublista [] ys     = True"
| "sublista (x#xs) ys = (estaEn x ys  sublista xs ys )"

fun elimina :: "nat  'a list  'a list" where
  "elimina n []           = []"
| "elimina 0 xs           = xs"
| "elimina (Suc n) (x#xs) = elimina n xs"

― ‹Auxiliares:›

lemma sublistaMono: "sublista xs ys  sublista xs (y#ys)"
  apply (induct xs)
   apply (simp only: sublista.simps(1))
  apply (simp only: sublista.simps(2))
  apply (rule conjI)
   apply (erule conjE)
   apply (simp only: estaEn.simps(2))
   apply (rule disjI2)
   apply (simp only: implies_True_equals)+
lemma estaEn1: "estaEn x (x#xs)"
  apply (simp only: estaEn.simps(2))
  apply (rule disjI1)
  apply (rule refl)

lemma sublistaReflexiva: "sublista xs xs"
  apply (induct xs)
   apply (simp only: sublista.simps(1))
  apply (simp only: sublista.simps(2))
  apply (rule conjI)
   apply (rule estaEn1)
  apply (rule sublistaMono, assumption)

― ‹Demostración declarativa detallada:›  
lemma eliminaSublista_dec: "sublista (elimina n xs) xs"
proof (induct rule: elimina.induct)
  fix n
  show "sublista (elimina n []) []"
    by (simp only: elimina.simps(1) sublista.simps(1))
  fix x :: "'a" and  xs :: "'a list"
  show "sublista (elimina 0 (x # xs)) (x # xs)"
  by (simp only: elimina.simps(2) sublistaReflexiva)
   fix n and x :: "'a" and xs :: "'a list"
   show "sublista (elimina n xs) xs  
         sublista (elimina (Suc n) (x # xs)) (x # xs)"
   by  (simp only: elimina.simps(3) sublistaMono)

text ‹------------------------------------------------------------------
  Ejercicio 3. Sea G un grupo. Demostrar que las siguientes condiciones
  son equivalentes:
    (+) G es commutativo, es decir, ∀x y. (x ⋅ y = y ⋅ x) 
    (+) ∀x y. (((y^ ⋅ x^) ⋅ y) ⋅ x = 𝟭)

  Nota: No usar ninguno de los métodos automáticos: auto, blast, force,
  fast, arith o metis 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------ ›

locale grupo =
  fixes prod :: "['a, 'a]  'a" (infixl "" 70)
    and neutro ("𝟭") 
    and inverso ("_^" [100] 100)
  assumes asociativa: "(x  y)  z = x  (y  z)"
      and neutro_i:   "𝟭  x = x"
      and neutro_d:   "x  𝟭 = x"
      and inverso_i:  "x^  x = 𝟭"

(* Notas sobre notación:
   * El producto es ⋅ y se escribe con \ cdot (sin espacio entre ellos). 
   * El neutro es 𝟭 y se escribe con \ y one (sin espacio entre ellos).
   * El inverso de x es x^ y se escribe pulsando 2 veces en ^. *)

context grupo

― ‹Auxiliar para una implicación:›

lemma inverso_d: 
  "x  x^ = 𝟭"
proof -
  have "x  x^ = 𝟭  (x  x^)" 
    by (simp only: neutro_i)
  also have " = (𝟭  x)  x^" 
    by (simp only: asociativa)
  also have " = (((x^)^  x^)  x)  x^" 
    by (simp only: inverso_i)
  also have " = ((x^)^  (x^  x))  x^" 
    by (simp only: asociativa)
  also have " = ((x^)^  𝟭)  x^" 
    by (simp only: inverso_i)
  also have " = (x^)^  (𝟭  x^)" 
    by (simp only: asociativa)
  also have " = (x^)^  x^" 
    by (simp only: neutro_i)
  also have " = 𝟭" 
    by (simp only: inverso_i)
  finally show ?thesis 
    by this

  assumes "((y^  x^)  y)  x = 𝟭"
  shows   "x  y = y  x"
proof -
  have "x  y = (x  y)  𝟭" 
    by (rule neutro_d [THEN sym])
  also have " =  (x  y)  (((y^  x^)  y)  x)" 
    using assms by (rule arg_cong [THEN sym])
  also have " =  (x  ((y  y^)  x^)  y)  x" 
    by (simp only: asociativa)
  also have " =  ((x  (𝟭  x^))  y)  x" 
    by (simp only: inverso_d)
  also have " =  (x  ((𝟭  x^)  y))  x " 
    by  (simp only: asociativa)
  also have " =  (x  (x^  y))  x" 
    by  (simp only: neutro_i)
  also have " =  ((x  x^)  y)  x" 
    by  (simp only: asociativa)
  also have " = (𝟭  y)  x" 
    by  (simp only: inverso_d)
  also have " = 𝟭  (y  x)" 
    by  (simp only: asociativa)
  also have " = y  x" 
    by (simp only: neutro_i)
  finally show  "x  y = y  x" 
    by this

― ‹Recíproco:›
  assumes "x  y = y  x"
  shows   "((y^  x^)  y)  x = 𝟭"
proof -
  have "y  x = x  y" using assms by (rule sym)
  then have "x^  (y  x) = x^  (x  y)" by (rule arg_cong)
  then have "y^  (x^  (y  x)) =y^  (x^  (x  y))" by (rule arg_cong)
  then have "((y^  x^)  y)  x =y^  ((x^  x)  y)" 
    by (simp only: asociativa)
  also have "... = y^  (𝟭  y)" by (simp only: inverso_i)
  also have "... = y^  y " by (simp only: neutro_i)
  also have "... = 𝟭" by (simp only: inverso_i)
  finally show "((y^  x^)  y)  x = 𝟭" by this


text ‹------------------------------------------------------------------
  Ejercicio 4. Se define la clausura reflexiva, simétrica y transitiva 
  de una relación binaria r como sigue:
     inductive rst :: "('a  'a  bool)  'a  'a  bool"  
      for r where
       refl1: "rst r x x"
     | trans1: "r x y  rst r y z  rst r x z"
     | trans2: "r y x  rst r y z  rst r x z" 
  Demostrar detalladamente que la relación (rst es r) simétrica. 

inductive rst :: "('a  'a  bool)  'a  'a  bool"  
 for r where
  refl1: "rst r x x"
| trans1: "r x y  rst r y z  rst r x z"
| trans2: "r y x  rst r y z  rst r x z" 

― ‹Lemas auxiliares:›

lemma r_subset_rst: "r x y  rst r x y"
  by (simp only: refl1 trans1)

lemma r_subset_rst_b: "r x y  rst r y x"
  by (simp only: refl1 trans2)

lemma rst_sc1_declarativo: "rst r x y   r y z  rst r x z"
proof  (induct rule:rst.induct)
  case (refl1 x)
  then show ?case by (rule r_subset_rst) 
  case (trans1 x y z)
  then show ?case by (simp only: rst.trans1)
  case (trans2 y x z)
  then show ?case  by (simp only: rst.trans2)

lemma rst_sc2_declarativo: "rst r z y  r x y  rst r z x"
proof  (induct rule:rst.induct)
  case (refl1 x)
  then show ?case by (rule r_subset_rst_b) 
  case (trans1 x y z)
  then show ?case by (simp only: rst.trans1)
  case (trans2 y x z)
  then show ?case by (simp only: rst.trans2)

― ‹Demostración declarativa detallada:›
lemma rstSimetrica_declarativa: "rst r x y  rst r y x"
proof (induct rule: rst.induct)
  fix x 
  show "rst r x x" by (rule refl1)
  fix x y z
  assume "r x y" and "rst r y z" and "rst r z y"
  then show "rst r z x" by (simp only: rst_sc2_declarativo)
  fix x y z
  assume "r y x" and "rst r y z" and "rst r z y"
  then show "rst r z x" by (simp only: rst_sc1_declarativo)        