
Heyawake (Alina Kasiuk y Xinyi Wu)

De Lógica computacional y teoría de modelos (2019-20)

Revisión del 22:25 9 feb 2020 de Mjoseh (discusión | contribuciones) (Página creada con «<source lang = "prolog"> #const n = 10. #const m = 10. #const r = 18. % File: heyawake.lp col(1..m). row(1..n). num(0..r-1). segment(h;v). room_size(N,X1,Y1,X2,Y2) :- room…»)
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#const n = 10.
#const m = 10.
#const r = 18.

% File: heyawake.lp
col(1..m). row(1..n). num(0..r-1). segment(h;v).
room_size(N,X1,Y1,X2,Y2) :- room(A,X1,Y1,X2,Y2), has(A,N).

% H3: In each room containing a cell numbered N (N>0),
% paint N cells black
N {black(C,R):col(C),row(R),C1<=C,C<=C2,R1<=R,R<=R2} N :- room_size(N,C1,R1,C2,R2), N>0.

% H4: Each room without numbered cell contains any number of
% black cells.
{black(C,R):col(C),row(R),C1<=C,C<=C2,R1<=R,R<=R2} :- room_size(-1,C1,R1,C2,R2).

% H1: No two black cells are orthogonally adjacent.
:- adj(C,R,C1,R), black(C,R), black(C1,R), C!=C1.
:- adj(C,R,C,R1), black(C,R), black(C,R1), R!=R1.

adj(C,R,C1,R1) :- col(C), col(C1), row(R), row(R1), |C-C1|+|R-R1|==1.

% H2: Nonadjacent white cells should be interconnected.
:- not connected(C,R,C1,R1), white(C,R), white(C1,R1),
   col(C),col(C1), row(R), row(R1), C!=C1, R!=R1.
white(C,R) :- not black(C,R), col(C), row(R).

% connectedness of two white cells (C,R) and (C1,R1)
connected(C,R,C1,R1) :- adj(C,R,C1,R1), white(C,R), white(C1,R1).
connected(C,R,X,Y) :- connected(C1,R1,X,Y), adj(C,R,C1,R1),white(C,R), col(X), row(Y).

% H5: A straight path connecting two white cells (C,R) and (X,Y)
% does not pass through three or more rooms.
:- path(S,C,R,X,Y,3), white(C,R), white(X,Y), col(C), col(X), row(R), row(Y),segment(S).

% horizontal (h) and vertical (v) straight paths of white cells
% whose lengths are at most 3

path(S,C,R,C,R,1) :- white(C,R), col(C), row(R), segment(S).

path(h,C,R,C1,R,N) :- path(h,C+1,R,C1,R,N), adj(C,R,C+1,R),white(C,R), inroom(C,R,A), inroom(C+1,R,A),col(C), col(C1), row(R), num(N), N<3.

path(h,C,R,C1,R,N+1) :- path(h,C+1,R,C1,R,N), adj(C,R,C+1,R), white(C,R), inroom(C,R,A), inroom(C+1,R,B), A!=B, col(C), col(C1), row(R), num(N), N<3.

path(v,C,R,C,R1,N) :- path(v,C,R+1,C,R1,N), adj(C,R,C,R+1),white(C,R), inroom(C,R,A), inroom(C,R+1,A),col(C), row(R), row(R1), num(N), N<3.

path(v,C,R,C,R1,N+1) :- path(v,C,R+1,C,R1,N), adj(C,R,C,R+1),white(C,R),inroom(C,R,A), inroom(C,R+1,B),A!=B, col(C), row(R),  row(R1), num(N), N<3.

%path(v,C,R,C,R1,N) :- path(v,C,R1,C,R,N).
%path(h,C,R,C1,R,N) :- path(h,C1,R,C,R,N).

% inroom(X,Y,A): grid cell (X,) is contained in Room A
inroom(X,Y,A) :- room(A,C,R,C1,R1), X<=C1, C<=X, Y<=R1, R<=Y,col(C), col(C1), col(X), row(Y), row(R1), row(R).

%The input file



#show black/2.